Q&A ListQuestions about Merit Badge Counselors & Scoutbook
Steve Conn Staff asked 4 years ago
  1. Who can see the list?
  2. Can Councilors limit themselves?
  3. How can a Councilor check to be sure they are properly listed?
1 Answers
Steve Conn Staff answered 4 years ago
  1. Who can see the list? 
    • Adult leaders in troops who are on Scoutbook will see all the merit badge counselors who have indicated to council that they are willing to counsel within your unit or ones who have indicated they are willing to counsel more broadly.
  2. Can Councilors limit themselves?
    • Yes, you can go into your personal profile and select a listing preference between Council list, District list, Unit list, Worldwide or Not Listed.  You should go into your positions, select the merit badge counselor position and select the preference you wish.
  3. How can a Councilor check to be sure they are properly listed?

Lots of other good info here:  https://help.scoutbook.com/knowledge-base/gcc-scoutbook-merit-badge-counselor-list-faq-an-example-council-list-faq/