Q&A ListCategory: AdvancementHow to take care of BOR advancement paperwork?
Jim Dalton asked 4 years ago

When a BOR is completed the advancement paperwork is usually signed by the parents doing the BOR and then turned into advancement coordinator.  During BOR’s happening virtually, is there any way to have this done easier than having parent 1 receive it from advancement coordinator, print/sign (or electronic signature), scan and send to parent 2 who does the same thing and sends to parent 3 and then it makes its way back to advancement coordinator?

3 Answers
Steve Conn answered 4 years ago

Sending to the Advancement experts now (5/28/20 @ 6:44 pm).

Merlin Nygren answered 4 years ago

Have them each send an email to the Advancement Coordinator stating that who they reviewed for what rank and the results. The Advancement Coordinator can attach it to the Advancement Report.  

Merlin Nygren answered 4 years ago

Have them each send an email to the Advancement Coordinator stating that who they reviewed for what rank and the results. The Advancement Coordinator can attach it to the Advancement Report.