Q&A ListDo parent updates go directly into the Scout's records or do they need Unit Leader approval?
Steve Conn Staff asked 4 years ago

From Jennifer : If parents are using Scoutbook, does that go directly into the Scout’s profile or do the updates come to the advancement chair to enter into their official/permanent record?

1 Answers
Steve Conn Staff answered 4 years ago

It depends.  Typically a Unit sets up Scoutbook so that a central Adult Leader or Leaders need to “approve” all advancement.  Parents mark that an individual accomplishment is “completed”.
Parent role – Parents have full unrevokable parent rights to their children in Scoutbook. They are able to mark his advancement as “Completed” which is represented by a green checkbox. They cannot mark advancements as approved unless they are also in Scoutbook as a leader or on the unit committee. Parents can give their Scout’s access to their own account. Parents can send a message to any leader in the unit or if they are connected to a Scout they can send a message to the Scout and his parents.
Further info can be found here:  https://help.scoutbook.com/knowledge-base/scoutbook-permissions-defined/