10/4 to 10/6 – Adults & Older Scouts needed to Assist with Fall Camporee

We are starting to plan the Youth Led Fall 2024 Camporee, which will be held at beautiful Rancho Los Mochos on October 4-6, 2024. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

Our continued success depends on new faces to help energize and guide the youth camporee leadership as they gather their staff, design their activities and then “Lead to Succeed” at the camporee weekend.  No matter what your scouting experience, if you want to be a part of this great event we can find a place for you. An extensive list of positions that need to be filled are listed on Slack.

Please contact Brian Putt <> or Tom Sims <> now if they are interested and available. Without adult guidance and support for the youth, Fall Camporee might not happen. Please help us.

Scouts First Class and Above to Serve on Staff of Fall Camporee

We are looking for Youth Staff for the Fall Camporee.   We will be sending messages to the Spring Camporee Youth Staff shortly.    However, you may know scouts in your unit that could benefit from leadership opportunities or the opportunity to take on more responsibility.   Feel free to pass along this Google Form to them to express interest in being on the staff.   Staff is fed (no cooking), but they will need to have an interview potentially and attend some preliminary meetings to help select the events for the camporee.

Here is the link for scouts to express interest.
