6/10 to 6/14 – Cub Scout Day Camp needs both Adult & Youth Volunteers!

Volunteer in the Great Outdoors at Cub Camp!
We are looking for outstanding youth and adult volunteers to help out at Cub Scout Day Camp this summer, from June 10 – 14. Camp runs 8:30 to 3:00 daily at Ardenwood Farms in Fremont and has volunteer opportunities including station host and den chiefs.
The requirements for the adults include the typical volunteer requirements including the YPT training, AB 506 and the LiveScan. The requirements for the youth volunteers include getting service hours for school or your next rank advancement. We are specifically looking for boys and girl volunteers over 13 years old or 1st class and above.
It’s a lot of fun and everything you do helps the cub campers create memories that will last a lifetime.
To register for camp, go to https://scoutingevent.com/023-81877-197324 and sign up as Junior Staff and/or Adult Staff.
Thank you for your help!