Mission Peak News Flash
To: DOC, Commissioners, & MBC
Subject: District Recharter Process

District Member Recharter due 6/26

District Member Recharter due 6/26
For all Commissioners and members of the District Operating Committee, you must complete this recharter process no later than 6/26 if you wish to continue to serve in these vital roles.

For Merit Badge Counselors you will be receiving an email from Ron Fedele to complete a separate recharter process. If you serve as both an MBC and either a Commissioner or a DOC member; you must complete BOTH our Mission Peak process and Ron's MBC process.

Most of you have your primary & paid registration in a Unit, so you do NOT need to pay to recharter in the District, however, you must inform us of your desire to continue.

A few of you are primary in the District and you need to pay to recharter. This spreadsheet lists where your primary registration is.

For those of you who need to pay for a primary registration in the district, the combined National + GGAC fees are as follows: $43.50 for 6 months from 7/1/22 - 12/31/22. You may have heard of an option to register for 18 months, but we are NOT offing that option in Mission Peak.

We are accepting payment in the following ways (listed in our order of preference):
  1. Venmo (@Steve-Conn-2)
  2. PayPal (@stevefconn)
  3. Check (Strongly Discouraged) made payable to Golden Gate Area Council & mailed to Keith Bauer, c.0 Golden Gate Area Council, 6601 Owens Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Also send a photo of your check to Steve Conn, sfconn@gmail.com
In order for GGAC to accept your recharter, you must be current on all of the following:
  1. YPT must be valid for the entire period of recharter i.e. no expirations in 2022.
  2. AB5o6 mandated reporter training - see the status report from 5/4/22
  3. Live Scan paid background check - no report available yet. Probably will be available sometime in June.
You are on your honor to complete all three of the above, but I am told the Council will drop you from recharter if not completed.

Please fill out this google form survey expressing your desire to recharter or not.

If you have any questions about:
  • District Operating Committee, contact Skip Phair at 510-651-9307, jfphair@yahoo.com
  • Commissioners, contact Steve Conn at 510-220-6710, sfconn@gmail.com
  • Merit Badge Councilors, contact Ron Fedele at 646-725-0186, ronfedele@jazzjelly.com

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