Mission Peak News Flash
cc: Commissioners & DOC
Subject: MBC Recharter

Many of us have NOT gotten the email from Scoutbook that was sent by Ron Fedele telling us how to recharter as an MBC. below are the 2 links we should have received from Ron. If you have questions, concerns, or comments; please direct them to Ron Fedele, ronfedele@jazzyjelly.com, (646) 725-0186.
  1. Merit Badge Counselor Renewal Process
  2. Changing the Merit Badges you are registered to counsel (or submitting a new registration request)
Reminder, you must complete both parts of AB506 (the online training and a Live Scan). We have the June version of the Mandated Reporter Training and it finally includes the status of Live Scan.

The report is full of errors. If you have completed the training, but show up as not having taken the training; the most common reasons we don't show you in the report are:
  1. You submitted your report to the "Golden Empire Council"
  2. You submitted the report under a different name than the one they registered with BSA, for example, Steve vs. Stephen
  3. You did not include your correct BSA ID # that is registered with GGAC
The best remedy for someone who has taken the training but is missing from the status report is to resubmit the form but be sure to get all of the above correct.

This month I was not able to invest the several hours needed to send each Unit or person a custom report. Instead, you all are getting the data for the entire district. So, please be respectful of the data for the other units. In other words, only look at the data for yourself.

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