Troop Service Opportunity With Lockheed Martin Innovation Garage

With the continuing shelter in place orders,  some troops are struggling to find service hours for Scout advancement.    We recently became aware of an opportunity for Scouts to perform a desperately needed service for the community.

Lockheed Martin Innovation Garage is producing  clear plastic visors which cover the entire face.    (see picture here)

These masks are being offered to medical service providers, first responders, nursing home and assisted living workers, dental offices and others AT NO COST!

Lockheed Martin is providing the equipment and materials to make the face visors,  and Lockheed Martin Employees are volunteering their time to produce them.

The visors consist of two parts.   A clear plastic face shield, and a molded plastic     When the headband comes out of the mold there are sharp plastic “burrs”  on the edges which can scratch the wearer.   The headbands need to be deburred with a file or sandpaper.    You can see the process in this video  IG SandingVideo

We have found that it takes roughly 20 minutes per headband for a scout con completely remove the burrs.  Processing 6 headbands is (roughly) 2 hours of service.   We have also found that using double sided tape to attach sandpaper to a Popsicle stick makes an effective file

If your troop is interested in performing this service or if you would like more information, please have ONE adult  from your troop contact Rob McCall   to arrange pickup of headbands that need processing.