Time to Nominate our best Scout Volunteers in the Mission Peak District!

It is that time of year again! Let’s send out huge shout-outs to our top volunteers in the Mission Peak District area! Do you have a parent that is ridiculously awesome? A den leader who is just the cream of the crop? Do you have a Cubmaster who makes all the kids feel special? If so, please click on the link below and nominate them for the Mission Peak District Recognition!

It takes LITERALLY less than 3 minutes to nominate them and it is the perfect way to make them feel special! Click on the following link for the nomination paperwork. The award ceremony is tentatively schedule for the second Saturday of November.

Click here for the nomination link – https://forms.gle/UyTsBmvaXCYnQkrA7

Please forward this to everyone in your unit so that everyone has a fair chance to throw in their nominations!

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