This is what our communities need most right now!

Join Scouting families across the country in a spirited Summer of Service!

As we have throughout our history, Scouting families are answering the call to work together in service of the greater good. From public health drives, to caring for the environment, to assisting neighbors in need, Scouts have always been a force for positivity and goodness in our communities. Now more than ever, our world needs that Scouting spirit once again. Let’s step up! Together, we can answer the call to make a positive impact in our neighborhoods and communities. Join us today, with projects big or small, in a Summer of Service!

Who is it for?

  • Families/Individuals
  • Units/Dens/Troops/Crews
  • Councils/Districts

When is it?

It’s called the Summer of Service so ideally you would want to complete this before September 22nd which is technically the last day of Summer but there’s no real deadline. Just make sure you do it while the weather is still favorable if you choose an outdoor project.

How do you get involved?

  • Plan– find a way to serve others; ask your fellow scouts or leaders for suggestions
  • Serve– do your project (try to get it done before the end of October or sooner)
  • Post– show your Scout Spirit and post about it on the internet
  • Report– tell us what you did by clicking on the link below; make sure you get credit for your work by telling your unit leader or community service chair if you have one
  • Celebrate– print certificates and order patches

Additional information on COVID Safety, Resources & Recognition is available by clicking here…

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