Roundtable. What is it? News, Networking & More

Scout leaders from all the corners of Mission Peak gather once a month to discuss what’s happening in our packs, troops, crews, and posts.

Come to a Mission Peak Roundtable and you’ll meet Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Committee Chairs, Parents, and Council employees all who bring TONS of knowledge to the gathering. We look to each other to help solve Scouting’s challenges and share it’s greatest opportunities and Roundtable is Scouting’s answer, and if you read on you’ll hear what our Mission Peak leaders are saying about it:

Giri Krishnamurthy, Pack 153, Fremont

“Having regular roundtables to guide the Scout leaders and keeping them informed especially during these times has worked out quite well . The best part of round table is listening from other leaders on how they carry out virtual activities successfully. So thanks a lot for organizing and facilitating these!”

Shivani Kumar, Troop 125, Fremont

“I am the Committee Chair for a fairly large troop here in Mission Peak and so we have a lot of parents who are involved with our program so it’s nice to be able to go to Roundtable and come back with new and exciting ideas from other neighbor units”. For me, Roundtable is a connection I look forward to every month, sharing of information before it comes out in newsletters, getting updates on Scoutbook and My.scouting and being able to share that with my parents. This helps me do my job better and keeps my parents in the loop.

I also look forward to modules that are shared at Roundtable like what the Slack app is all about as well as presentations on advancement and other important items that affect my Scouts. This allows me to learn and share this knowledge, which I really enjoy doing. There is SO much passion and knowledge shared and this gets me excited and helps me promote their attendance at future Roundtables. I know for sure if I have a question I know I can reach out to all the volunteers at the meeting and find my answer.”

Hope you can join us at Roundtable soon!  If you’d like to attend the March Roundtable,  click here: