RLM Road Repaired – Schedule a Unit Outing

If the condition of the road into Rancho Los Mochos (RLM ) was a hurdle for you using the camp it is no longer.  The road has been repaired.   It might not be corvette ready, but certainly any standard passenger car.   Roughly 200 Tons of rock spread, several palettes of concrete sprinkled watered in, and the road rolled.   Culverts were repaired and added with catch basins.  The extent and the quality of the work is amazing.  This road is going to last for decades.  A drive-through video post road repair is on Youtube.

Most people probably think of Blue Oak for camping.   But also consider Deadwood with excellent Kybos and good water.   Perfect for packs.   If you need a short backpacking experience, consider Manzanita and park cars near the warehouse.   Of course, there are trails you could take for a longer hiking experience.

Thanks to the many scouter volunteers from 10 different units that worked on the road for 4 days.   Jim Dalton and Jaime Guerra from Troop 132 deserve special recognition for organizing and managing the project.