Our Scout Family is mourning the loss of Little Leo Grigorev & the family needs your help!

You may have heard in the news at the end of last week about a 2-year-old that was struck by an SUV in a Fremont shopping plaza parking lot, who then later succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. When the last name of the victim was released, our hearts immediately sank – it was a familiar yet unique name, one that was on our Fremont Pack 176 roster; Leonid Grigorev, one of the younger brothers of one of our Webelos scouts, Tatiana.

Like many other scouting units, our pack is very close to each other, and our hearts were collectively broken. Pack 176 has sprung into immediate action and organized food drop-offs for their family, as well as setting up a crowd-funding website to support them. Their family has been going through some financial struggles the last 6 months, and we were hoping that this would be a way to help ease some of the unimaginable pain they are already going through.
Their family could really use the support from the scout community. Please take a moment and reach out to this family in pain and see what the extended scout community can do to help.
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Little Leo getting at big hug at the end of the scout line
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Little Leo along with Tatiana and Evgeniya at her Wolf Advancement Ceremony