None of us is as smart as all of us

For the past few years, I have been listening to a Podcast who’s tag line is “none of us is as smart as all of us”.  It has two facilitators who bring on expert guest speakers, take email/voice mail from listeners, and discuss a topic or two each day.  They often remark, wow, I learned something new today”.  Today it got me thinking, that is what Round Table is all about.  Mike, Brian, and I don’t have all the answers about Scouting.  We take suggestions from you the Adult Leaders in Mission Peak, we bring on expert guest speakers, and we facilitate a discussion.  But the real magic happens in the meeting when each of you asks questions or shares your experiences.  We all learn from each other because none of us is as smart as all of us.  The meeting is named Round Table, not Long Table.  There is no “head of the table”.  We all have an equal responsibility to bring ideas & questions to the meeting, to participate fully in the discussion & therefore the learning and teaching.  My dilemma is that many of our Units are NOT sending any adults to this valuable meeting each month.

If you have read this far, my call to action to you is to come to Roundtable yourself or ask your Committee who will attend this and every month.  Mission Peak Roundtable is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday, 7:00-8:30, monthly except for July.  Check the calendar for the Zoom info.