GGAC VOA Presidents Statement
Regina I. Molitoris
July 29, 2020
Serving on the Council VOA is a great way to apply your knowledge of Venturing to a much wider community than your home Crew. Council VOA allows you to promote Venturing at a higher level and help it grow in the Golden Gate Area.
We are looking for Venturers with an in-depth knowledge of what Venturing is, have a skill set to add to the Council VOA, and are passionate/enthusiastic about Venturing. If this sounds like you, please email a short resume including your experience in BSA Venturing and contact information to Regina Molitoris, GGAC VOA President at .
With the recent formation of the Golden Gate Area Council and the reality of COVID-19, this will be a challenging year for Venturing. I want to see Venturing grow over the coming year and focus on service. Our communities have taken a really hard hit because of COVID-19 and there is much to do, but Venturing also needs to be fun and exciting! We need to set our direction and plan well, initiating a solid virtual program for now that transitions to a real program once things get back to normal.
It looks like a long way off, but things will get back to normal and we can once again do real Venturing! Please join us and Lead the Adventure!