Mission Peak District Calendar 2024-2025 – Upcoming Activities in our District!

Our Mission Peak District Committee is always working hard to plan new events in the area and we want to get this information to you as soon as possible to help you add it to your unit’s calendar. Please see the information below and make sure the rest of your leaders in your unit know about it!

9/12/2024 MPD Spotlight on Scouting Roundtable 7pm-8:30pm Washington High School
10/04/24-10/26/24 Fall Camporee 6pm (Friday) to 12pm (Sunday) Rancho Los Mochos
10/12/2024 Troop Showcase 10:00am – 12:00pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Baseball Field
10/20/2024 Cub Scout Position Specific Training 1:00pm – 4:00pm Niles Veteran’s Memorial Hall
11/2/2024 MPD Volunteer Recognition Dinner 6:00pm-9:00pm Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church
11/9/2024 Scouting for Food (Hangar Distribution) 8:00am – 12:00pm Areas assigned to Units
11/16/2024 Scouting for Food (Food Collection) 8:30am – 4:00pm Areas assigned to Units
1/11/2025 Winter Camp Awareness Council Council
01/??/25 Heroes in the Community TBD TBD
1/18/2025 MPD Houses of Worship Reverence Walk (formerly “Prayer Hike”) 8:30am-3:30pm Houses of Worship
1/25/2025 BSA Scout Leather Workshop TBD TBD
1/31/2025 MPD Indoor Rally 6:30pm to 9:30pm Holy Spirit Church
2/1/2025 Cub Scout Leatherwork Workshop TBD TBD
2/15/2025 MPD Merit Badge 8:00am to 4:00pm Washington High School (?)
Tentative Extravaganza
3/1/2025 Mission Peak Yo-Yo Day TBD TBD
03/07/25 to 03/09/25 MPD Spring Camporee 6:00pm (Friday) to 12:00pm (Sunday) Rancho Los Mochos
4/26/2025 MPD SMPST 8:30am – 5:30pm TBD
4/27/2025 MPD IOLS (Session 1 of 2) 9:30am – 5:30pm TBD
04/??/25 BALOO (Tentative) TBD TBD
05/16/25 – 05/18/25 MPD – IOLS/ACORN 6:00pm (Friday) to 12:00pm (Sunday) Rancho Los Mochos (Deadwood only)
05/30/25-6/01/2025 MPD Target & Range Sports Weekend 6:00pm (Friday) to 12:00 pm (Sunday) Rancho Los Mochos
(Blue Oak)
06/02/25 – 06/06/25 MPD Cub Scout Day Camp 8:30am to 3:30pm Ardenwood Farm