Legal Notices from Omni Agent Solutions

As part of the national organization’s Chapter 11 filing, Omni Agent Solutions will periodically send out notices.  The company is helping national BSA with the administrative aspects of our Chapter 11 case. These notices were referenced in a note from President and CEO Roger Mosby to all employees on February 18th.  In addition to employees, certain individuals will receive these notices if they fall into a specific noticing category, which include but are not limited to the following: representative of any active chartered organization, representative of any former chartered organization that is named in a lawsuit involving national BSA, all LDS chartered organization representatives, and individuals involved in litigation against national BSA. These notices are legitimate communications and are required as part of the national organization’s Chapter 11 case. No action is required of recipients at this time. Going forward, Omni Agent Solutions will alert national whenever possible to more specific timeframes within which it plans to distribute the notices. National will share that information with local councils as it becomes available.