Huge thank you to T132 for their help at the Rotary Knot Tying Event!

Troop 132 participated in the knot-tying demonstration organized by the Rotary district. The scouts from the troop built an A-Frame and also taught about 60 Rotarians some of the basic knots. In the end, most of the Rotarians were able to tie a square knot, bowline, and clove hitch. Some of them even got their hitches done. Scouts explained the basic knots and their purposes. They also showed some of these knots form the basic building blocks for more building blocks like lashings. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this event. Scouting and Rotary organizations are spiritually aligned on our community service goals. We look forward to more opportunities to work with different Rotarians on service projects.

There are some pictures here: