How to conduct a remote BOR

How to conduct a board of review through videoconferencing

The board of review, like most aspects of Scouting, works best in person.  But sometimes, for a number of legitimate reasons, that’s not an option. That’s why, as outlined in the Guide to Advancement(section, the BSA allows units to conduct boards of review by teleconferencing, using tools like Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom.  Even before the coronavirus prompted families to be justifiably concerned about face-to-face meetings, this option has existed. In the past, it has been most commonly used in two situations:

  • young people who have gone off to college or the military
  • young people who live in remote areas

But the uncertainty and anxiety surrounding the coronavirus makes this an appropriate time to turn to video conferencing solutions, as well.  (For questions about how the coronavirus is affecting Scouting where you live, please follow the guidance of your local council. Because the impact of the virus varies greatly by community, your local council is best equipped to answer specific questions. Find your local council here. For the latest official national information about COVID-19, go to

If you have decided to use videoconferencing for a board of review, here’s what you need to know.