Has Your Unit had a Friends of Scouting Unit Presentation?

Golden Gate Area Council is encouraging units that have not had a Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign to have one this year.   The loss of event fees for both Cub Scouts and Scouts has reduced the Council revenues with only minimal reduction in costs.   If you have not had a FOS solicitation for your unit please consider having one.   We can provide presentation material or provide a presenter for your unit.   Please contact Brian Putt at to request presentation material or request a presentation.

We are looking for pictures or videos to utilize in a video about FOS.   If you have any material you would like to contribute, please deposit it in at this link and send Brian Putt an email that pictures/videos have been uploaded:   https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgtEj5D79IYqhslRLykuxnlHqLrSdg?e=Z0gbkT

If you have any questions, please contact Brian Putt,  , (510) 366-5041