Fantastic Dec Roundtable on Scoutbook

Very informative talk by Ron Fedele on Scoutbook.

Some of the key takeaways are:

  1. Scoutbook Help Desk – Ron can troubleshoot common issues like resetting a password or fix something like a Scout listed multiple times
  2. Parent’s Trail Guide to Scoutbook – useful info for new parents
  3. Adult YPT Status – shows all Parents in my unit who have a valid YPT, useful to make sure parent volunteers are YPTed
  4. Scouting Forums – for Scouting related discussions and questions to a wider group 
  5. Merit badge Counselors – update status and position on SB (many of us have missed doing this)
  6. Roster view – select show parents/guardians – shows all the parents linked to their scouts
  7. Clean Old connections periodically – good SB Practises
  8. Reports – many different reports can be generated
  9. Roster – Connections Manager – Shows all the connections to  Scout, Troop creates their own policies and can manage approvals for Scouts whose parents are registered leaders
  10. On, the organization manager – you can set functional positions to view different Scout/training related items on SB
  11. Quick entry for MB Counsellors – to sign completed Merit badges on SB