SFBAC/MP Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

SFBAC is monitoring reports regarding COVID-19 and have assembled a team that is regularly convening and reviewing CDC updates and recommendations to help guide our efforts.  A separate communication will be provided to Scout Executives across the Nation later this week with updates.  SFBAC is NOT proactively cancelling any events at this time.

Should your Unit (Pack/Troop/Crew/Post) want to consider reassessing your events and whether to hold them or not, please hold a group discussion and communicate your decisions to your members.  Individual families should feel comfortable making their own personal decisions of whether or not to attend scouting events.  Consult this website to help you be more informed: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html

If you have any specific questions on whether an SFBAC or Mission Peak District event has been canceled or not you may contact Mike Charlesworth, (847) 997-1200, or email Steve Conn, 510-220-6710,