Congratulations Irshad Rasheed – Silver Beaver Recipient

The Silver Beaver Award is one of the most prestigious awards made by the Boy Scouts of America. The award is presented by the National Boy Scouts and is the highest award that a local Council can bestow on a volunteer for rendering outstanding service to Scout Youth. Established in 1931, the Silver Beaver Award is presented for distinguished service befitting Youth within a BSA local Council. More than 50,000 recognition have been conferred to date.  This year SFBAC awarded five and in Mission Peak Irshad Rasheed was recognized.


From the program at the SFBAC Recolonization Dinner:

Description of Noteworthy Service of Exceptional Character 

To Youth Within the San Francisco Bay Area Council

  • Irshad has had a significant impact on the growth of Scouting in the San Francisco Bay Area Council.
  • He used his contacts and enthusiasm to recruit leaders and sponsorship from the local Islamic mosques to charter four scout units (pack 119, pack 121, troop 119, and troop 2119).
  • As SFBAC Membership Chair, he has initiated a new focus and cooperation among districts to increase Scouting in the Bay Area.
  • Irshad has aggressively worked to identify and recruit charter partners to support LDS scouts when their current units end.
  • With the Council Commissioner. He has organized a coordinated effort using unit commissioners and membership volunteers to assist units in the successful implementation of Family Scouting.
  • Irshad has been an active leader in troop 111 where as an assistant scoutmaster, committee chair, and charter representative he has helped the over 80 scouts run a program that develops their skills, community service, and sensitivity to each others cultures.
  • As a Unit Commissioner, he has helped his units through leadership challenges, recruiting issues, funding, and youth advancement challenges.
  • For the past four years, Irshad has served as Western Region, Islamic Coordinator.
  • At the 2010 BSA National Jamboree, he organized a mosque to serve the Muslim youth and volunteers.