Common issues with AB506 reporting & July 26th report

The tracking and reporting of who has and has not completed AB 506 training + Live Scan is a completely manual process.  One dedicated individual in GGAC generates the reports monthly about the first week of each month.  Here is the July 26, 2022 AB 506 report.

Typical issues that cause missing information on the monthly AB506 compliance report.

  1. Missing Live Scan
    1. Live Scan companies use your name exactly as it appears on an official government document (typically a driver’s license) to request your Live Scan processing.  The resulting reports are given to the council’s AB 506 administrator show this legal name.  If your BSA Registration uses the same legal name, there will be a match.  However, if you used an abbreviation or nickname for BSA registration, we may not be able to make a verifiable match.  If you know this is the case, provide both names to your Unit &/or District leadership so a proper match can be made.
    2. If you completed your Live Scan at a neighboring Council event (e.g. Wilderness First Aid class in SVMBC); your results were likely sent to them instead of GGAC.  If you know this is the case, provide the date and location of your LiveScan to your Unit &/or District leadership so a proper match can be made.
    3. If you completed the LiveScan late in the month, the results likely were not available when the reports were created.  Please wait one more month for the next report to come out.  Manual reports are typically generated each month around the first week of the month.
  2. Missing AB506 Training
    1. You might have forgotten to upload your training certificate.
    2. You might have uploaded your training certificate to the wrong Council, possibly to Golden Empire and not Golden Gate
    3. During the upload, you might have omitted or entered the wrong BSA ID.
    4. The name on your training certificate &/or the one you supplied in the upload process might not match the name you have used for registration with BSA.
    5. If you uploaded your training certificate late in the month, the results likely were not available when the reports were created.  Please wait one more month for the next report to come out.  Manual reports are typically generated each month around the first week of the month.
    6. For issues a-d, upload your certificate (again) correcting the problem this time.  For e, wait a month.
  3. Missing name from the report
    1. You might have a my.scouting login ID generated during the process of registering your child, but you have never paid and registered yourself as an Adult Leader.  Without being a paid Adult Leader, we do not have a membership record to match up with your AB 506 files.  In addition, without being a paid Adult Leader, you are not currently required to take the training & Live Scan (but thank you for proactively doing so).