Amazing Tri-City Scout hiked to the Everest Base Camp!

This May, Aaryam Murarka, a spirited 10-year-old from Cub Scout Pack 176 – Webelo-AOL achieved an extraordinary milestone by hiking to Everest Base Camp (EBC) in Nepal. Accompanied by his father, Abhishek Murarka, and cousins Vyom (15) and Ved Tylsyan (18), Aaryam embarked on a challenging 12-day journey, creating a lifelong memory with his dad and serving as an inspiration to others. Despite facing illness along the way, Aaryam showed remarkable resilience and determination, completing the trek without external aid and on schedule. His mother’s daily letters provided constant motivation and encouragement. His family couldn’t be prouder, marking this as a significant milestone in his young life. Reaching EBC on May 29th, coinciding with International Everest Day, added special significance to Aaryam’s adventure. This day celebrates the historic first ascent of Mount Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953, symbolizing achievement and perseverance. Beyond hiking, Aaryam is an active soccer player who maintains his fitness through regular walks, hikes (including Mission Peak at age 5), running, and yoga. He looks forward to sharing his experiences with classmates in 5th grade and fellow Cub Scouts at upcoming summer camps. Aaryam’s journey is an inspiration to everyone around him.

Reflecting on her son’s accomplishment, Aaryam’s mother expressed immense pride and hope for his future, noting, “No peak is too high, and no goal is unattainable. Aaryam, your achievement lights the way of hope and inspiration for others.” With unwavering support from his family, including his parents, younger brother, grandparents, extended family, and friends, Aaryam’s journey to Everest Base Camp stands as a testament to the power of determination and familial!

