Add GeoCaching to your next Hike

GeoCaching is Easy

  • Step 1:  With your parent’s permission, create a free account at 
  • Step 2:  Download the geocaching app on your mobile device
    • or
  • Step 3: Start hunting for caches
    • Choose the search option within the geocaching app (magnifying glass)
    • Search by Geocache and enter any of the codes below 
    • Introduction information about Geocaching etiquette
    • Most of the caches have hints in the description, as well as a log of previous people who found it 

Remember to Leave No Trace!

Caches located on the Trail Trekkers hikes:

Trail Trekker Hike Geocache Code
Angel Island GCQEYC
Black Diamond GC8M0KK
Coyote Hills GC8C4CA
Flag Hill GC8KXHE
Sycamore Grove GCMD4G
California Nursery Fremont GC7XZ9X
Huckleberry GC69RAN
Little Yosemite GC3FWTN
Morgan Territory GCG1NF
Redwood Creek GC2400Y
Rodeo Lagoon GC3BPET


Caches located on the Rim Rover hikes:  

Rim Rover Hike Geocache Code
Mission Peak GCM621
Mt. Diablo GC1NFN8
Mt. Saint Helena GC1ZNWX
Mt. Tamalpais GCPTVX
Mt. Wittenberg GCNFRT