June 8 to 14 – NYLT Weeklong Training and Camping opportunity at Los Mochos!

NYLT Youth Staff is in training to bring Scouts an outstanding week at Rancho Los Mochos June 8-14.  Don’t let your scout pass up this chance to develop to a higher leadership level. Enroll them to become the fully-capable leader they are destined to be. Visit NYLT – Training | GGAC for details on NYLT and what the program is all about. 

Registration is open for all scouts age 13 and above and currently holding a First Class rank by June 1.  Be aware: The Course may fill up by early May.  Don’t miss this opportunity. The final registration date is May 28th and early registration cost is $475 through May 1st.  We hope we see them on course!

For more information and to register, visit: http://training.goldengatescouting.org/nylt

Email nylt@goldengatescouting.org with questions or concerns.