Will you be taking a Scout to Merit Badge Extravaganza?
The Troop Committee Challenge
The Troop Committee Challenge training is highly recommended for all parents with youth in the Scouts-BSA program!
This two and a half hour course will be an excellent introduction to the Scouts BSA program for parents who are new to Scouting or who recently bridged from Cub Scouts and will meet all requirements for committee members or chairs to be trained for their positions.
The cost is just $5.00 per registered adult and availability is limited. For more information and/or registration, click on the following link – https://scoutingevent.com/023-mpdcommitteetraining
Merit Badge Counselor Training
Merit badge counselors are a crucial part of the Scouts BSA program, supporting multiple methods of scouting including: adult association, advancement, and personal growth. Even better, being a merit badge counselor is a fun and rewarding way to interact with scouting youth both inside and outside of your unit.
For counselors to be effective in their role, they need to understand the merit badge process, how it fits into the scouting program, and their place in it. This 90 minute training will meet all requirements for Merit Badge Counselors to be trained.
This is a great course for anyone considering becoming a merit badge counselor or for any parent who wants a better understanding of the merit badge process.
The cost is just $5.00 per registered adult and availability is limited. For more information and/or registration, use the following link – https://scoutingevent.com/023-mpdmeritbadgeciunselor
For further information contact Lee Amon LeeAmon094@gmaiil. com