5/10 – Nominations for the Annual Mission Peak District Volunteer Recognition is going on!

The Annual Mission Peak District Volunteer Recognition dinner will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025.  All scouters in the district are invited to attend.  Please reserve the date.  We heard the feedback from last year that we should avoid the Scouting for Food weekends.  We will be celebrating two outstanding volunteer scouters with the District Award of Merit – the highest award a district can bestow.  We will also celebrate those who have earned the District Plaque and the District Certificate.
Please help make the job of the selection committee harder by sending in your nominations using the URL: https://forms.gle/UyTsBmvaXCYnQkrA7 We want to know all the great things your nominee has done in the past year.  The selection committee will meet about four weeks prior to the event, so the cut-off date for nominations will be March 28th, which is coming up quickly.
As with recent years, the recipients of the District Plaque and the District Certificate will be announced soon after that time.  The District Award of Merit awardees will not be announced in advance, but we use subtle techniques to get them to attend.
This year, we will recognize units with some new awards, such as the unit with the most service hours recorded per scout, and the unit with the most recorded rank advancements per scout.  These will be based on the statistics recorded in my.scouting.org, and do not require nominations, just for units to record all of their data.  The details of these new awards are still being worked out.