Super Successful Cub Scout Day Camp at Ardenwood Farm!

Chickens, Turkeys, and Goats, oh my! These were just some of the animals that the over 70 Cub Scouts got a chance to enjoy this past week at the annual Mission Peak Cub Scout Day Camp at Ardenwood Historic Farm. The elementary aged scouts even helped with the farm animals by cleaning out their pens as well as grinding up corn and feeding it to them. On top of that, the scouts had seven other stations all around the site including Arts/Crafts, Safety, Scouting, STEM, Games, Nature, and Special Projects. Ardenwood Historic Farm has been a host of these special scout memories for the last four years and they are happy to be a part of it.

This year’s camp theme, “Onto the Races” was incorporated with many obstacle courses, friendly competition and tons of NASCAR entertainment. But it was not all fun and games at camp the whole week. The volunteers made sure to focus on important skills such as first aid training for the older scouts and knife safety by learning to correctly chop up vegetables for homemade salsa. They even focused on fire safety by making yummy smores. “Scouting is all about giving little kids an opportunity to learn life skills while having tons of fun and making friends,” explains Fernanda Ruiz, the Mission Peak District Executive. And at the end of the day, that ain’t a “baaaaa-ad” idea.