Interested in a free campout or free party for your unit? How about Advancement Patches?

Free camping or party (Email Header)

How is your unit FOS fundraising going? Remember, the unit with the most donations per Scout in the district will  get to choose one of the following:

  • A free camping⛺ weekend at Wente, Royaneh, or Los Rancho Mochos
  • A free ice cream social🍦
  • A free pizza party🍕
  • Free kites🔷 for everyone in the unit

And free Advancement patches for your unit if they meet the unit FOS goals.


2024 Friends of Scouting

Thank you!

You can track our progress on our Mission Peak FOS website.

Unit rewards

Free camping or party

The Pack/Troop/Crew/Post with the highest donation per scout in their unit will get to choose a free camping weekend at one of our camps, a free ice cream social, a free pizza party, or free kites for everyone at the end of the Spring campaign.

A minimum of $20/scout annually on the roster and completion of a unit FOS presentation are required to qualify.

Free advancement patches

Every unit that can meet their Family FOS goal will get free advancement patches for the rest of 2024, starting May 1st, 2024.