Collecting names for potential Camp Health Officers for weekend outings

Due to a change in the national standards that govern the operation of our camp facilities, we must now provide a Camp Health Officer on site whenever we use our remote camps, including Rancho Los Mochos in the hills beyond Livermore.  This is necessary when we host a District event such as a Camporee, Adult Leader Training, or Shooting Sports.  It is also necessary when a Unit holds a private event.  To qualify as a Camp Health Officer, the individual must be one of the following:

  • Licensed physician
  • Licensed nurse practitioner
  • Nurse (RN, LPN, or LVN).  Nurse’s aides, Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), and assistants do not qualify .
  • Licensed physician assistants
  • Paramedic
  • Emergency medical technician (basic, intermediate, or paramedic)
  • Emergency medical responder, i.e. ., current state license from the state in which the camp is located or current Nationally Certified First Responder listed on the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians ( or, until 2017, eligible for certification on the National Registry.

We are collecting names of people who qualify and might be willing to serve as a volunteer in the capacity of Camp Health Officer.  By submitting your name, you are not committing to serving, but only to taking a phone call to discuss the opportunity to serve.  Click here to submit your contact information as a potential Camp Health Officer.