Erosion control along Stairs going to Pond C
by Jonathan Moriwaki, Troop 154 , Fremont
This project was divided into two phases. The first phase was to have the scouts to clear out the area of any weeds, roots, liter and debris. While clearing the area out, we found two more steps that have been covered by weeds and buried by the run-off. Once we identified the true footprint of the path, we leveled each footing and dug a 3 inch deep void for the gravel to sit in. The scouts and I walked up and down the new path to make sure it was easy to walk from step to step and maintained a good footing going up and down.
The second phase was to identify where the two new steps were to be located to help with to ascetics of the walkway and help with erosion from the run-off from the gutter. We had to extend the foundation of the two new steps and used rebar to secure them. We filled each step with approximately 2 to 3 inches crushed rock to increase with traction and stability.
We added about 10 garbage cans of bark on the side to make the walkway look prettier and help with erosion. I hope my project from Troop 154 will be beneficial for the countless visitors to Tule ponds who use that pathway to enjoy the beauty that Tule ponds has to offers the community.
area before starting from the top spreading gravel all those who helped