Spring Camporee Registration for 3/17 to 3/19 is Open!

https://scoutingevent.com/023-MPSpringCamporee2023There are several logistical changes to the camporee.  We ask that unit leaders who were not able to attend the zoom meeting please watch the recording here.  Most of your questions will be answered.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ai5fzfrrDqYo54puejOLKatDVuteUWSe/view?usp=sharing

For more information, join the Mission Peak Slack https://join.slack.com/t/missionpeakdi-o4i5892/shared_invite/zt-me957ndv-T_AcMWL3RGUhgbg~xwHsGA   and look for the #2023 Spring Camporee Channel.

Looking forward to an awesome weekend of Scouting!!!!