3/27 – GGAC BB Gun Rangemaster Training

The Council is offering BB Gun Rangemaster Training in late March, which is essential for supervising and operating BB Gun ranges at various Scouting events.
This training allows a Scouter to supervise and operate a BB Gun range for Cub Day Camp, Cub Scout Resident Camps (including Family Camps), and other Council- and District-hosted activities where BB Gun ranges are used.  A ratio of one Rangemaster to a maximum of eight live shooting stations is used to supervise the range (example—if there are 10 shooters, you need at least two Rangemasters present to operate the range).
The training consists of a Zoom session on the evening of March 27th and an in-person hands-on session on March 30th at Camp Herms (choose between a morning or afternoon class).  The cost is $20, and the course is limited to 25 people.
The registration link is in Black Pug at: https://scoutingevent.com/023-94572