12/1 – Cub Scout Zoom Think Tank! – Help us plan upcoming events!

We have some great changes coming up for our Cub Scouts along with some events moving forward and some proposed events. Please have your cub leaders, top parents and others interested in doing more for our Cub Scouts come join us at this Zoom meeting on Sunday, December 1st at 7pm at the following link. We are going to be chatting about the following items:
– Mission Peak Fishing Clinic
– Mission Peak Yo-Yo Day
– Heroes in the Community
– San Jose Barracuda Hockey Night
– Indiana Jones Adventure weekend
– Camp GOAT (Formally known as Mission Peak Cub Scout Day Camp)
– And so much more!
But these don’t happen without volunteers and team leadership AND COMMUNICATION!! Please join us in our zoom meeting and come join us with putting some ideas and suggestions together for these upcoming proposed events.

Join Zoom Meeting – https://csueb.zoom.us/j/82905171277

Looking forward to zooming with you!
Eve Marie Little