Please join us for the Nov Round Table on the 9th (Thursday) at Washington High School Cafeteria at 7PM. On the agenda are:
- Live Scan for anyone who needs to complete this component of AB506. Please bring a check and your driver’s license. Cost is $35. This is once and done for GGAC. Reserve a time or drop in. https://www.signupgenius.
com/go/10C0B49AFAB23A2FF2- 45591024-live#/ - If you were unable to attend last Sunday’s webinar on Recharter, you can ask questions at Round Table. There have also been questions regarding the registration of individual scouters. We can answer those questions as well.
- Solicit your input on how we might improve the Volunteer Recognition Dinner held last Saturday. Format , timing, or anything else.
Breakout Sessions
- Ideas for good stress-free Cub Scout den meetings
- We are starting to plan for 2024. One of the questions that keeps coming up is Spring Camporee. We would like to have feedback on the Fall Camporee that could improve the next camporee (Spring and/or Fall).
Mission Peak Key 5