10/29 All Day Railroad Merit Badge @ Niles Canyon Railway

Attention all Train Enthusiasts!

Mission Peak District and Niles Canyon Railway have joined forces to bring together this awesome all-day Railroad Merit Badge! Our Mission Peak scouts have been invited to join the Niles Canyon Railway volunteers on October 29th starting at 8:30 am for this great opportunity to work right next to some of the most amazing trains throughout history.

There are only 25 spots available for this Merit Badge.  If Scouts are interested, they are required to finish requirements 2, 4, and 7 before signing up.  Those requirements must be photographed/scanned before enrolling in this merit badge. The first 25 scouts to accomplish these tasks, turn them in, pay the $25 dollar registration, and be approved will be allowed to sign up.

Please have scouts email Miss Eve directly (with a 2nd adult on CC) at for more information or to be enrolled on the INTERESTED list. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please also reach out to Eve so we can have extra help to make this fantastic opportunity a great success!