10/20 – Registration for Cub Scout Leader Training is now open!

October 20th at 1pm at the Niles Veterans Hall
Greeting Cub Scout Leaders!
Mission Peak District is pleased to announce that registration for Cub Scout adult training is NOW OPEN!
Who should take this training?
  • Cubmasters and Assistant Cubmasters
  • Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders
  • Committee Chairs and all Committee Members
  • NEW parents just joining the program
  • ANY parents with an active cub scout
Gain practical insights and skills to effectively guide and motivate Cubs, ensure safety, and involve other parents in pack activities.
This training will be given in person by experienced and current cub leaders. They will share their experiences and learnings and be ready to answer your questions.Have a Cub Scout that you can’t leave at home? No problem!  We are offering a mini day camp and keep your cub occupied and happy while you take the training.Join us to build a strong foundation for a successful and enjoyable Cub Scouting journey!