10/06-10/08 – District Fall Camporee 2023

Come enjoy a Fall Weekend filled with Scouting fun, spirit, and competition at the Mission Peak District Fall Camporee 2023 – October 6-8, 2023 at Rancho Los Mochos.

Planned activities include Tomahawk Throwing, Pioneering, Target & Range Sports, Ax Yard, Fire Building, and much more.  Come and show off your Scout skills and practice team building, communication, and leadership skills.

Registration information will be published shortly.

For questions and information, please join the Fall Camporee’s Slack channel, #2023-fall-camporee on the Mission Peak District Adult Scouter Slack Workspace.

Not yet part of MPD’s Slack Workspace. No problem! Here’s a link to join: https://join.slack.com/t/missionpeakdi-o4i5892/shared_invite/zt-20f8yvjdu-qvQg8NvCD0Mn5DDj17b0Nw